Paket Edu-Tour

Pelajari cara membuat mozzarella, yoghurt, dan butter secara langsung di tempat kami.

Edu-Tour Mozzarella
A variety of cheeses are displayed on a market stand, each labeled with pricing. Some of the packages are wrapped in plastic. There are visible price tags, including one for 'Pecorino' and others with varying prices. In the background, there are bottles and other produce items.
A variety of cheeses are displayed on a market stand, each labeled with pricing. Some of the packages are wrapped in plastic. There are visible price tags, including one for 'Pecorino' and others with varying prices. In the background, there are bottles and other produce items.

Kunjungi kami dan pelajari proses pembuatan keju mozzarella yang lezat dan berkualitas.

A fresh salad dish consisting of sliced tomatoes arranged in a circular pattern with a ball of mozzarella cheese placed on top. Fresh basil leaves are placed on the cheese, and olive oil drizzles surround the arrangement on a white rectangular plate. A fork and spoon are placed at the top side of the plate.
A fresh salad dish consisting of sliced tomatoes arranged in a circular pattern with a ball of mozzarella cheese placed on top. Fresh basil leaves are placed on the cheese, and olive oil drizzles surround the arrangement on a white rectangular plate. A fork and spoon are placed at the top side of the plate.
A variety of cheeses and cured meats displayed in a refrigerated glass case, featuring several kinds of cheese with labels in different colors and shapes. The assortment includes round, wedge-shaped, and cylindrical pieces, with visible branding and pricing information.
A variety of cheeses and cured meats displayed in a refrigerated glass case, featuring several kinds of cheese with labels in different colors and shapes. The assortment includes round, wedge-shaped, and cylindrical pieces, with visible branding and pricing information.
Paket Edu-Tour

Kegiatan edukatif untuk sekolah dan keluarga tentang olahan susu yang menyenangkan dan informatif.

Nikmati pengalaman belajar langsung tentang produk olahan susu kami yang berkualitas tinggi.

Edu-Tour Yoghurt